Thursday, October 04, 2007

So Complicated!

It is untamed, crazy, and unpredictable. It has a life of its own that i am unable to keep control over and that drives me crazy. I am impatient and want to stay in my little comfortable box. Yes, i am talking about my hair this week, but as i sat down thinking about what i would write about... it dawned on me that my hair is much like my life at this point. I like a boy. And the amazing thing is that i have crazy hair this week and yet that is okay. Now, most girls you talk to would say that they would want to impress the heck out of that one guy. But, my hair is crazy and yet i am not stressing. Now, to most this idea would seem dumb and surfacy. But i think it shows strides.

For years i have looked at the mirror trying to find the little imperfections that i could so called "Fix" to become who i am supposed to be to impress that special someone. but not anymore.

He makes me smile for all these crazy reasons. He drives me crazy cause he is in control. The ball is in his court and i have to wait for the pass. Yet as he showed up at my house last week, i stood in my crazy untamed curly hair... it didn't even phase me, because he has seen me over the last little while, that he knows me for me and not who i want to look like or think i should look like. Straight hair is my box and curly hair is not.

This week i left my straightener with my parents and it was almost like leaving a part of me behind. I realized how much i rely on trying to look good to please those around me, but this is me. The crazy curly haired girl who is loud...passionate....loves to travel.... loves having heart to heart talks with her roomie....loves muffins....and finally feels secure in her looks.

I don't know where this "whatever it may be" will go, but i have to wait. Last week in Relevant (bible study on Wed. nights), Chris was talking about waiting and praying. WAITING. Realizing that things are not always going to happen now, but something ahead is so much more than we could ever imagine. Today, as i pushed Jackson and Hannah in the stroller, I began to pray that God would strip my heart of the need for things to happen NOW. Though the world at CBU consists of RING BY SPRING ladies... i am so far from there.. but still have the desire for that certain person in my life. Though, i desire to be used and feel that i am scared of the distraction this could be in my life.

I think that there are so many parts of me that are on the fence. Do i like this guy or do i not get distracted? Am i scared that i could never really be loved by a man? Am i insecure because so many times i have put my heart out there only to be smashed. But God, really my prayer tonight is that i could be yours. Let me be serenaded by your voice, touch, and grace. God, your compassion for us is so breathtaking. The little things that you place on my heart Lord, please let me be used and wait on your timing. That i would not doubt you... and your will for my life. Lord - please let me TRUST you in all things and fall at your throne everyday.

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