Sunday, September 23, 2007

WOW... what a week

Lets see where to begin.. okay...

Saturday night: Rascal Flatts Concert
Sunday night: Nerts
Monday night: RA Meeting that was amazing
Tuesday night: Box seats at the Angels Game
Wednesday night: Karaoke with the UP Boys
Thursday night: A night off:)
Friday night: Joes Crab Shack with Cody and Arcade games
Saturday: Magic Mtn with TWIRP DATES
That equal... SUNDAY = EXHAUSTED!

This last week has been absolutley amazing... but i am wipped out! Everything was so amazing and i am never going to forget so many of these memories.. but might i suggest maybe spreading all this fun out... just a wee bit!

Here are some pictures from all these:)

Arcades for Cody's B-day

Karaoke with the boys

Box Seat at the Angels Game


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