Thursday, April 27, 2006

And the Move is on....

To say that this year has flown by is an understatement.. but as Sara, Rachel, and I stood outside Lowes tonight.. it all hit me! I am one year down.. dang!

Tonight was our late night breakfast and we had a blast. Then we all jumped in Sara's car and took off to find boxes to move our dorm junk into. Wow.. i am so amazed at how incredibly fun this whole year has been. Though there have been rough patchs (ie. roomate:) ) and long study nights (8 hour american govt. study groups), when looking back it is the girls I have met, the movie nights and slirpy runs... and lets not forget .. frequent dance parties...that have made this year all that it is:)

College life is all that i thought it would be and I can't wait for the coming years... Being an RA, playing volleyball, more studying.. ahhh!!! I am so excited..

Here are pictures of me and my girls.. and the fun squeezing into the car crammed with boxes:) Oh the life of crazy college girls:)

Monday, April 24, 2006


well.. i thought that I had experienced some great days here at CBU.. but not until I experienced campus days did i realize how truly amazing this place is.

People always ask why private schools are so called so much better than public schools and for this very reason.. i see why i am at a private school!

Campus days was a day devoted to playing super cool games, hanging out with your halls, and having a great time. We got to compete against other girls and guys from different parts of the campus... from inflatable obstical courses to watergun tag (kind of like laser tag, but with waterguns), from inflatable basketball to ultimate frisbee... we laughed our heads off.

My hall decided to dress up gangster and we created a chat that went along with the dont'ch was wish your girlfriend lived on 2b? It was soo much fun.

I think that a smaller school helps you connect with a variety of people from different backgrounds and we get to really get to know people. Today we got our yearbooks and it was cool just to look through the pictures and recognize a good percentage of the people on the pages. This is what College is all about!

I can't wait for the upcoming years and the memories that I am never going to forget!

Campus Days was incredible! This picture is of my hall girls... I luv ya 2B!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


2 - tests
1 - 5 page paper
1 - 20 page paper
1 - 15 min presentation
6 - Finals

Totally procrastinating and hanging out with my friends cause it is so gosh darn warm outside


There are somethings the sun can't buy but for everything else... there is the thought of being almost summer...

Only 2 more weeks... and Washington here I come!

Friday, April 07, 2006


Wow... i don't know who thought up of this late of a Spring Break... but I am so ready for it to be here!!!

Why does the clock seem to tick by so dang slow when I have a flight to catch?

I am so excited to see my grandma in Texas, where my mom and I will be staying for a couple of days!!! I am stoked to see my mom, because i haven't seen her in almost 2 months.. and a girl go only go so long without dying to see her mom:)

Then.. next wednesday I am goin home!!! YEP.. to my house:) I am so jazzed i don't even know what to do with myself.

My plans include but are not limited to - babyshower, kambria and jaylen, kevin x 2, Girls night, breakfast with fav. teacher, EASTER:), AUNTS:), Good old family time:)

Wow.. soooo exciting!! i am so jazzed, i don't even know what to do with myself.

Oh yeah, and I have to write 2 papers.. but hey why not procrastinate?

Well.. gotta make sure I am set to go and then I am off to see cody and then to catch my flight:)

Talk later:) - shy

Monday, April 03, 2006

Reaching for Desire

Reaching for Desire is my goal right now.....

Desire is something that is in my heart and makes me long after it
Desire is something that my heart craves
Desire is something that I will do anything to gain...
Desire is something that I am reaching for...

A Desire to follow only Gods heart!

In a mixed up world.. with every other priority more important than our relationship with God, it is easy to take my eye off the main goal of my entire life.

I want to DESIRE God above every other thing in this world.

I think that as a 19 year old girl.. i am pressured to think that everything else is more desirable than a relationship with God. Yet.. that is what I want!

I don't want to worry about tomorrow.. but soak up every second of today. I don't want to always think about that cute guy or that perfect tan I must achieve.... but of that relationship I desire to have with God.

I want to be passionate about devoting my life to God and His will for my life.

Reaching for Desire..