Sunday, May 28, 2006

Life in Kirkland

Well.. I have lived here almost 3 weeks and wow.. how the time flys!

I guess when I was looking at this summer, I figured.. how hard could caring for a 5 month old be? Well... I have quickly figured that out! DEMANDING!!!!
Charlie is really fun but at times freaks out when he is not being held... and man does it take a lot of patience! I am learning each day how long to let him cry and whine before i pick him up.

Kirkland has been nice but rainy! I don't think i would make it the entire winter with it raining all the time!!!! I need my sun!

I found a church to go to which has been incredible. It is called Overlake Christian Church and i love it! I am starting to go to the college group and have met some great people. Last night i went to the Saturday night service called Illuminate and realized that in my future, I have this feeling that I will be in some other part of the world working either in an orphanage or as a teacher... who knows.... but my heart breaks everytime I see those eyes of children who have no family and just need someone to love on them!

God has big plans for my life and it is so amazing just being quiet and listening to His still small voice:)

I am super jazzed because i get to come home in the end of june and my parents are going to be here in a couple of weeks. And my best friend Katie is going to come and see me in July!

If you could pray for me that would be great:

For patience with Charlie, for friends up here that I can hang out with, for finding quiet time outside the home, for giving the family enough space and finding enough space myself!

I love you all :) - shy

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Highlights of my first week in Kirkland

Everyone has to have adventures in life and I am on one right now!!!!

- Driving a longbed truck to Barnes and nobles, not realizing that it was smack dab in the middle of a major city... Oh yeah! Um... Can I just say that parking was fun... *cough cough

- If you want to change your kids mind on having kids young just have them nanny or babysit a 4 month old.. talk about demanding.. and a 24 hour job!!!!

- It is incredible to try new church's and see all the different ways to worship God!

- I love nannying for a blonde.. She keeps me on my toes and keeps me laughing.. I luv Laurie:)

- Washington has to be one of the most beautiful states I have ever been in!

- Don't ask people from Kirkland where the nearest Target is.. You just get this blank stare like... Who shops at target these days:) hehe.. Hey that is why we have mapquest right!

- You won't realize how much you miss your mom until you are not with her on Mother's Day!

- I didn't realize how much I could miss my best friend until she moved to North Carolina and I moved to Washington for the summer... PS. Did people have real lives before they had cell phones?

- I love organizing things and I really REALLY need to learn how to cook! The whole quesidilla, oatmeal thing is gettin kinda old!

I am having a blast up here.. Though I have to get up at about 6:15 every morning.. I am learning how to savor the quiet moments and get a lot done.. Cause when you have a 4 month on your hip you don't get a lot done!!!

I hope all is well with you all... And if you have time.. Give me a call.. Believe me.. I would love to talk!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

First Day in Washington

Well.. Most people tend to feel a little anxious when they are jumping off into the unknown. My unknown.. An entire summer being a nanny in Kirkland, Washington, for almost 5 month old Charlie:). As I stepped off the plane yesterday, I was filled with so much excitement, almost all of my worries disappeared.

Then I met the grandparents.. Now, that is can always be interesting because you are taking their baby from them.. So I was more worried about meeting the grandparents than being in a whole new state. But the second I walked throughout the door to their home, all my worries washed away. I love them already.. Between American idols, burgers, and some good old fashioned chat, I have adopted some Washington grandparents.

Tomorrow is the big move in day to my new home for the next couple of months. Due to minor complications.. ie. Ants, we got to stay at Laurie's parents house for the last 2 nights.

But let me just tell you all, Charlie is so adorable. He is just a kick in the pants, so giggly and fun! I will be posting more pictures of him and Washington in the future.. Just stay posted.

And.. Totally exciting, I am going to get to try out 2 new church's this Sunday and hang out with Laurie's parents again for a Mother's day Brunch:) So exciting...

Well.. Since little man (Charlie) woke me up at 5:30 this morning I am going to hit the sack!!! I hope everyone at home is doing great.. And don't forget to check in with me at

Love ya all.. There's me signing off from Kirkland!!!!