Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Udder Joy

Sometimes life has moments when you feel speechless. When life is so simple and pure.
Today I had one of those moments.
I got to hold little Eisley Claire...less than 24 hours old. So simple and so sweet.
I just held her and thought of life.
About the stage that I am in and realized that I need to slow down.
To feel just one moment at a time.
To realize that life is not as complicated as we want it to be and that we only have one life to live.
She was beautiful. She was absolutely beautiful. She has this adorable little nose and cute little face. She is so soft and wonderful.
I haven't held a baby this fresh since Brenden...and it was so incredible.
I walked away and felt like I was walking on the clouds.
Life is beautiful. God is so incredible in His ability to produce life. That He handcrafts a child in their mother's womb for 9 months and then just at the right time...they come out. That the pain is horrible, but then you are holding a piece of you.
That forever life is different. Kristen was radiant today. Her glow was so magical and she was so meant to be a mother it was incredible. Passionate and natural. JJ and Kristen were so cute. They were so ready and that is what I want someday. They are so in love and now they are ready to bring a new bundle of joy into their lives. SO AMAZING!
Life is fantastic.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

My Yellow Brick Road

I had the chance to sit down with Lee McFee last night and what an incredible time I had. She was so encouraging and uplifting. She made me realize what a great place I am at right now. But before I forgot, I wanted to write down something she said.

Just remember... It is God's Yellow Brick road we are following. He is going to take us home...He is going to help up down the path that is our future. Sometimes we wander off the yellow brick road and we often times find ourselves hurting or lost, but we can always get back on the right path.

If we understand that the journey will take us through many uncharted territories....uncharted waters...and over unknown mountains...we can cling to the knowledge that He knows our future. He knows the way and He already has the map. We just need to keep following the Yellow Brick road.

As I look for jobs, start interviewing, and move across the country...I must cling to the knowledge that I want to stay on the Yellow Brick road. Hum... so good!