Sunday, November 04, 2007

My Sweet Spot

Writers block is what they call this! It is that moment when your head is so filled with random stuff that you don't even know where to begin.

My dad always made me wait. He made me wait to get my ears pierced, made me wait to get a cell phone, made me wait to ride in a limo. At the moment i didn't understand and would complain that everyone else got it first... but now i see. He wants me to experience life a little at a time. Last night i was thinking about my singleness. I kind of feel like right now i am looking around at everyone else wanting to have someone like them, but right now just isn't my time. One day my time will come and the taste will be so sweet to my lips. It is just not my time right now, because i need to focus on the now... and where God has me.

But the incredible part of this journey has been finding myself in my own skin this year. I had the guts to tell the guy that i liked... that i liked him, expecting nothing in return. And the peace that was found in that was incredible. We are JUST friends and at this point i am so glad that God shut that door right now. I thank God for the journey He has me on... giving me the courage to say what is on my heart and then walking away.

Now to the sweet spot... I am working on a project called "SWIPE TO SAVE" where we are helping raise money for children in displacement camps in Uganda. We are trying to get the student body to give up one meal to help donate a percentage of the money to the cause. It is so exciting and i love it. I could spend all night talking about it and am so jazzed to begin the process of getting people involved. I was reading in this book this morning that was talking about how when you are in your sweet spot, you may get tired... but you are so passionate about what you are doing... the time flies by. I love doing the little things and being a behind the scene worker. AMAZING!!!!! I am so excited to see where this week takes us!

So... as this week may get crazy with the numerous papers i have to write and 5 birthdays.... haha... it is going to GREAT!!!!! I am loving life - shy:)