Tuesday, March 27, 2007

That taste in your mouth....

This is the journey.... 3 girls.. one car... and 5 days worth of stories...

You know those moments that just leave that sweet taste in your mouth?
The entire week was a constant sweet taste that will stay in my heart forever.

- It was the sweet feeling of lying on a big towel fully clothed on the beach in Santa Barbara, just napping because we had NO obligations:)
- It was being so sleepy, but not wanting to go back to the hostel... so we just sat in Borders for 3 hours reading wedding magazines and dreaming of the future.
- It was that not so pretty taste after getting no sleep in the hostel.

It was that the smell of home as we climbed the hills to the beautiful landscape of Northern California. It was the smile of my father as i gave him a huge hug and the feeling of wanting to cry as i embraced my mom that still touches my soul.

It was the feeling of pride as Shaun walked out of that bathroom all dressed in purple for prom. The feeling that i have lost him, yet still have him. The fear of what is to come in the next months and the realization that home will NEVER be the same again.

It was the sweet feel of victory in Uno just to lose in Nerts.

As we climbed back into that little car.... my heart hurt like it does every time as i leave my favorite place in the world.... home.

It was the intoxicating smell of jelly belly's. The perfect bean with only 5 calories.

It was the feeling of pure beauty as we watched the woods turn into rolling green hills, covered in amazingly beautiful grazing cows over the Napa Hills. It was the simpleness of our little picnic lunch, our last moments just the three of us.

Then we drove... feeling overwhelmed as we reached the outskirts of that big city. San Fran seemed so appealing until we realized.... we were not in the mood for the hustle and bustle, but wanted to just chill. So.. after getting lost a couple times, we finally made it to our milk carton destination.

I saw how truly blessed i am. Why me Lord? Why am i so blessed to have been born into such an incredible home? Where my father and mother believe in your amazing works?

It was the rush... that i felt after we tepeed a random guys car... (of course Cindy knew him), but the feeling that i might end up in jail... haha

It was the feeling of free clam chowder flowing down my neck, but more than that the feeling of being in the presence of 3 amazing women of God.

One of my favorites... the pure laughter that rang through the car as Lo did another one of her little jigs after she got another of her 100 trucker honks... of course it was a joint effort.

It was the gut wrenching feeling i was going to pee my pants, as we departed with our little ride-a-long friend uni... (otherwise known as retard, thing, and gross looking unicorn)

It was the feeling of sweet rejoicing as we paid our last penny for gas on the final day.... but i will never forget the final drive as we all realized what an amazing 1400 miles we had driven together those 5 days.

As i stepped out of the car for the last time, i hugged my friends and will never forget the dreams, fears, joys, pains, plans, lack of plans, and journeys that we shared with each other.

There is my road trip... it was like nothing i have ever experienced before... yet i know this was just the first of many:)

3, 2, 1

3, 2, 1... jump!!!! nope not the first time.... 1, 2, 3, jump!!!! nope not the second time.... okay girls we actually have to do this... finally 3, 2, 1.... WE DID IT...

i could barely feel myself as i dropped the towel and launched my body into the freezing water... but as i sunk deeper and deeper into the breathtaking water.. all i could think was... i actually did it. For the first time in my life... i skinny dipped or as we re-named it... chunk and dunked!

yeah... so maybe it was just my swimming pool.. but heck i did it! I also laughed my head off and will never forget the night that i bared my soul to the world... or just my own eyes and took the plunge!!!

It was one of those moments that i will never forget experiencing with two of my best friends:)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Headed Out On The Highway

I am about to be the college girl.. i have always wanted to be. The one who packs up her Toyota, with 2 of her closest friends and heads out on the highway.
We may hit traffic.. but heck when we are listening to Justin who cares right? We want to stop at the largest ball of yarn.. and honk when we enter towns. We want to splash our feet in the water and skinny-dip. I want to put my feet on the dashboard and wear the cute sunglasses. I want to laugh my head off and ask the unasked questions. I want to get lost and find cute little towns... and meet the locals.

I want to almost run out of gas and laugh so hard i cry. I want to take so many unneccesary pictures.. and be real. I want to talk about boys and eat crappy food. I want to show my friends where i call home and i want to get bootylock for the sake of a great road trip.

My road trip is going to happen in less than 2 weeks and i want to scream at the top of my lungs. For this is what college girls do.. they don't act their age and THEY love it!

A True Friend

Do you ever wonder how one person can understand you so well? I call her my 3 AM friend... the one who if ever i had an emergency, would be the first one i called to help. She goes by Deanna but i call her Dezee.

She and I have so much in common that i am baffled that God has blessed me so richly with the opportunity to know her. She truly cares and wants the best for me, as i do for her and for that reason I thank God.

We will have just gotten back in from hanging out with friends and just sit in the lobby for hours talking about life. Not the fake stuff, but the authentic struggles of life. Our questions just continue coming and with each one.. we squish and mold to try to help each other understand.

When i dreamed of College i dreamed of finding friends like her, and here we are. She is the one who i want to roadtrip with and call when all the big stuff happens. I want her in my wedding and there when my kids are born. This seems kinda crazy.. but she is soul friend!

YEP... finally i am not pulling her up... but she is standing next to me...just being my friend