Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not about the chocolates:)

So this Valentines day is different for me:)

This is the first time in that last couple of years that i am so content in life. I sit at my desk with joy in my heart. I have felt the pleasure of being in the presence of a man, have felt the sting of heartbreak, but am free.

Now don't get me wrong.. i am not this rightous Christian girl who is all about Christ being my Valentine.. down with men. But a new definition is what i like to call it. It is the realization that God is saving my heart for something more than chocolates and flowers. He is saving me for real love.

I don't want just a date. I don't want just a valentine. I want a Man of God. And i know that this year... it is not my time. It is so amazing to be at this point in my life, where i am really happy. You know that Happy, that just brings a smile to your face.

The happy that makes me realize that i am so blessed. The happy that makes me realize that my friends love me for EXACTLY who i am, the happy that makes me just soak up the rain... (because i know it comes from Christ).. and the happy that makes me anticipate the future, but relax in the moment.

So today.. as your Valentines hits.. remember to praise God for the exact place he has you right now. If you are in the presence of a Man, enjoy the moment, if you are with friends.. smile.. and if you are alone.. worship God for who He is and His perfect timing.

So.. if i could sum up my Valentines day, it is Joy. Joy for the happiness it brings everyone else, knowing that one day.. i too will feel THAT love. But right now.. i am learning what True love is.. with my creator.

I love you all, Shy:)