Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The taste of victory....

6 finals... 4 hours... and i am done!!!!

Another semester has come and gone.. and out of it i have found...

- that i love history when Kenya is teaching it... she makes it come alive
- computers are not that complicated
- i really do not enjoy learning about rocks
- teaching in the classroom is WAY more complicated than i thought
- i am not as bad at spanish as i thought i am!!!!

Overall, i rocked this semester... - shy

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This boy

So... being the leader that i am.. it is easy to take the lead... do the texting, do the inviting... do the guys job... but not anymore:)

The amazing thing was that i stopped... i stopped being the leader and left it to him. Then i prayed, was patient and now you know happened?

He is texting, he is inviting, and he is asking. So with a guarded heart.. i am out on a limb.. being myself... no makeup.. no mask... just purely me! He ask's, i answer... not a fake what he wants to hear answer... but truth. And take me or leave me.. this is shy...

I have prayed.. opened my heart and now i am going to have fun. No more over analyzing.. just getting to know a guy as a friend.. and if something is to come up later.. then i will know it is of God... and not my need for a boyfriend.

So.. if you have a second.. pray for my heart. Pray for my relationship with God.. that it would be the center... the fuel. That everything else would come after and that if it is God's will... i would get to know this boy more.

Guard my heart Lord...

Complicated Boys

For years i did not understand why everyone else had boyfriends and not me. I would cry, trying to change everything about myself so that they would like me. Yet, as the years passed God changed my heart and mind towards what kind of Guy he would supply me with.

What i need:
1. Someone who is more in love with God than he is with me
2. A spiritual leader who is going to push me to be everything God has planned for me.
3. A confident leader, who is stronger than me and can lead me.
4. A loving guy
5. Passionate and on fire for life... optimisitic is key:)
6. An incredible friend of mine

These are just a few.. and since i am interested in a guy it has been interesting all the different feed back. Shy... you are too over confident that why you haven't got a guy... or shy... you have too high of standards.. or shy... you just won't let it happen! But no... it has not been Gods timing and i am finally ok with that. I know that i am not going to get a perfect guy... but i also trust that God is going to handle the situation.

I have prayed, thought, talked, and wondered about relationships.. and now i just need to be patient.

A new haircut... a new girl:)

Have you ever cut your hair and with the new cut comes a new identity? Or a desire to become someone you have always wanted to be? I think that hair at times can be a link between being bold and not being bold.

The other day i cut my hair and colored it a great color. I am not going to lie.. i feel hot, confident, and fresh. The reason why this is so odd, is because i have got my haircut before and yet... i have been more terrified of what people where going to say, instead of taking the change and embracing it:)

Yet, i got a new haircut and walked onto campus with a whole new confidence. I am a women of God who loves people and am ready to have a blast! I am 20 years old and need to have a good time. So basically, i walked with my chin high, shoulders back, and embraced CBU. And you know what happened?

EVERYONE loved it... even if they didn't like the new cut, they could see something different. People who i have never talked to or thought would talk to me are starting to say hi... i love it.

So not to say that haircuts should change who you are... but dang.. sometimes God can use scissors and color to push me out of my comfort zone!!

Yeah.. basically - me