So today i got to talking with two new friends from work...we were talking about our blogs. Now some blogs are good...but oh my gosh, this one friend of mines is incredible. As many of you know, I dream a lot! I have a fat Bucket List and am constantly checking things off the list. I want to live fully alive and pursue the little moments that make life all that it is. Now...with that being said, usually when i begin explaining my crazy bucket list, people start looking at me like i am out of my mind. But today something fantastic happened...I said something about my bucket list and my new friend Emily started talking about her list of 101 things. It is her desire to complete her list of 101 things in the next few years. I began reading her list and with glee in my heart I realized how similar we are. The little things in life are the ones that are going to create the lasting moments that take out breath away. So... below you will find my ongoing bucket list! I will try to post pictures and cross things off the list as I compete them:) So So So very good.
1. Play Mud Football
2. Trace my roots back
3. Finish the story I have been writing for years
4. Go to Santorini, Greece
5. Take an Art Class
6. Volunteer for a cause I am passionate about
7. Move up in a company -
From Administrative Assistant to HR Assistant:) - Starting January 2009 *I am cheating...but hey I do what I want!
8. Buy a stranger lunch
9. Go to Tazmania
10. Read through the entire Bible
11. Take my mom to see Josh Groban in concert
12. Learn how to play the guitar
13. Go to all 7 continents
14. Kiss in the Rain
15. Go to the Spa for the day
16. Help re-built a community overseas
17. Go to a fashion show
18. Take a helicopter ride
19. Sample every flavor at 31 flavors
20. Be in two places at once
21. See Oprah live
22. Learn to take fantastic photographs
23. Work for someone I can truly learn from
24. Run a half marathon
25. Hike a tall mountain
26. See 5 of the wackiest tourist stops in America
27. Re-Cover my new chair all by myself
28. Make enough money to be able to pay for my parents meal without stressing
29. Take a dance class
30. Live near my parents again
31. Do Absolutly nothing for an entire day
32. Go on a date
33. Have a house by a lake
34. Go legit skinny dipping
35. Fall in love
36. Take a trip on a train *an overnight train
37. Go to the airport and let a random stranger pick where I fly to
38. Explore a small town
39. Live on my own
- As of September 5th 2009...all by myself! Lonely at times, but incredibly bazaar and Fantastic at the same time!40. Take an Acting Class
41. Grow a garden
42. Get a mentor
43. Figure out what I believe *or at least a little of what I believe
44. Go back and visit my childhood home
45. Have Taco Tuesdays at my house
46. Mentor someone younger than me
47. Learn how to drive a stick shift
48. Make my own wine by stomping on grapes…
49. Visit the North East in the Fall
50. Adopt a family at Christmas time
51. Spend an entire day in bed
52. Run a Red Light
53. Watch all the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings Movies
54. Zip-line through a rain forest
55. Actually do Jacobs Ladder at a ropes course
56. Cook an entire meal for my family
57. Help my Grandpa finish his book
58. See John Mayer in concert
59. Witness a miracle
60. Finish a triathlon
61. Learn how to play the game of risk
62. Go to a professional Football game
63. Crash a wedding
64. Learn how to change my own tire
65. Save up money and go on a shopping spree
66. Learn to really listen
67. Have an entire day devoted to random acts of kindness
68. Own my own Christmas Tree
69. Send postcards to people I admire
70. See a Broadway
71. Learn to kick-box
72. Have an old bridesmaids dress party
73. Drive down a random road and get lost on purpose - Morrisville and Cary - found my dream home (8/29/2009)
74. Give 5 foods a chance that I think I hate
75. Go wine tasting
76. Go puddle jumping
77. Get a drink at a real bar
San Diego - At Whisky Girl for Jess' Bachelorette Party (8/21/2009)
78. Plan a major Event
79. Laugh until I cry
80. Run the bases at a major league field
81. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
82. Go on a trip with Village Care
83. Contact all my old teachers that impacted my life and tell them thank you
Obviously my list is ever growing, but for now...I shall start:)